Friday, March 4, 2016

Tasting- Dona Sol

3 March 2016

Guest Amateur Wine Connoisseur of the Week: Drew Woods

Dona Sol
Name: Dona Sol
Variety: Shiraz, Petite Syrah, & Symphony
Country: USA
Region: California
Year: Mixed vintage
Price: $6.95

Shop Review: Shiraz has a unique jammy fruit character that is well represented in the Sweet Red. Both on the nose and on the palate, jammy fruit, like strawberries, cherry pie and red licorice, entices the senses and pair well with cheeses and deserts. 

Drew's Review: I can't quite put my finger on it... Got it. Dunkin Donuts strawberry donut. That about sums up this wine for me. 

The Thursday Line-Up

My Review: Strong fruity and floral bouquets make this wine pleasant to sniff. Way too sweet tasting for my preferences. It tastes like someone took a cherry poptart, mixed it with a frosted strawberry pastry, crammed it into a bottle, and then named it Dona Sol. I think the finish was a bit simplistic and flabby, but the initial tastes are nice for the sweet wine drinkers. Not quite my cup of tea, but I think this would go well with any dessert dish. 

Food: We did not taste this with food.


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